The Plynk Investing Dollar Store
To help spread the word that our app provides a refreshingly easy way to invest with as little as $1, we created the Plynk Investing Dollar Store.
January 25, 2024

When the Plynk app first launched in 2021, we drove a car across the country to get the word out that investing can be simple, uncomplicated, and jargon-free. This year, we decided to bring the app experience to life with the Plynk Investing Dollar Store!
Why an investing dollar store?
With the Plynk app, you can invest in stocks and funds with as little as $1. This is made possible by something called “fractional shares.” Investing with fractional shares lets you buy a small portion of a stock or fund, rather than a full share. That way you can invest whatever specific amount of money you like, even just a single dollar.
To help illustrate this and give people a real-life glimpse of how the app works, we created the Plynk Investing Dollar Store.
The live experience
What if investing could be as easy as shopping at a dollar store?

When customers enter the Plynk Investing Dollar Store they scan a QR code and a “shopping list” pops up on their phone. The items on their list can be found on the shelves throughout the store and represent various companies you can buy stock in through the Plynk app. There are companies spanning a variety of themes, such as artificial intelligence and founder-run.
Customers can then scan the items on the shelves to learn more about that company’s stock. After finding each item on their list, they “check out” to receive a gift card and tote bag with some Plynk swag!
Where to?
In 2023, the Plynk Investing Dollar Store made its debut at events in Austin, TX and New Orleans, LA. Our team was thrilled to help break down the barriers to investing for the thousands of people who came through the store. The goal was to make investing feel more approachable and less intimidating to those who’ve never done it before, and that’s what we heard from many happy visitors!
Stay tuned in 2024 to see where the Plynk Investing Dollar Store goes next.
Next steps to consider
Download the Plynk app to see how investing can be a refreshingly easy experience.
Already have the app? Explore investment options on the Discover page.